
  1. 2. customer communication fundamentals AIDET
  2. 4. sessions in classsroom H webinars
  3. 7. chemistry instrument EVER cobas
  4. 9. where PT's are performed Coagulation
  5. 11. that cause disease pathogens
  6. 14. word for drawing blood phlebotomy
  1. 1. solution used in the lab chlorox
  2. 3. STAT
  3. 5. corrosive substance with a pH < 7.0 acid
  4. 6. used to check fingerstick glucose accu-check
  5. 8. thing centrifuge
  6. 10. fun place to work in the hospital lab
  7. 12. A leadership Quint Studer
  8. 13. used to identify bacteria gram stain