Lagman Parents 2020 Xmas Puzzle

  1. 1. The one & only time we ate out
  2. 8. Our new membership at Inspec
  3. 10. “I’m sucking and choking on these black balls” -Jokoy
  4. 11. KFC could never
  5. 12. Helps prevent Alzheimer’s
  6. 14. Creeper alcohol
  7. 19. The reason for changing our pipes
  8. 22. Spent the hottest day of the year here
  9. 24. An excuse to stand far away from people
  10. 28. Go-to chicken comfort dish
  11. 29. Special occasions call for sushi
  12. 30. New fave hangout spot in the house
  13. 32. First item to break in the house
  14. 33. New M-F 7:30AM-5PM reality
  1. 2. Thursdays at 6:30pm
  2. 3. Colosseum, stuft, costco, giovanis, round table
  3. 4. Silver only
  4. 5. Brisket, fish, nuts, you name it
  5. 6. Loud buzzing noise & records cool videos
  6. 7. Meaty, fatty goodness
  7. 9. BTS, nuff said
  8. 13. Switch 7 & 14
  9. 15. Tasty soup that we order a lot
  10. 16. 2020 World Champions
  11. 17. Crispy fish, nuff said
  12. 18. New wave of soap operas
  13. 20. Other tasty soup that we order less than a lot
  14. 21. The final straw for Mr. Lagman’s fixing spree
  15. 23. 13.5 pounds of love (might be 14 now)
  16. 25. Tasty soup that mom makes a lot
  17. 26. Best president ever (according to himself)
  18. 27. Pandemic
  19. 31. New kitchen FAVE