Laird Rams and the Irony of the Trent Affair

  1. 1. Whose mechanical reaper aided northern agriculture?
  2. 6. Who violated the Monroe Doctrine?
  3. 9. British built/manned Confederate warship that destroyed over 60 vessels.
  4. 10. When a Union warship forcibly removed Confederate diplomats from a British ship.
  5. 11. 2 highly armed Confederate warships that could have started a war.
  1. 2. England had a surplus of this in the beginning of the war.
  2. 3. Napoleon enthroned Maximilian emperor of this place.
  3. 4. Created by Britain to prepare Canadians for American vengeance.
  4. 5. The Irish-Americans invaded here (notably) twice.
  5. 7. England had to import this from America.
  6. 8. This British social class sided with the North.