LaLa & Shad = <3

  1. 2. My favorite type of drink
  2. 5. Pet we want to adopt someday together
  3. 7. The month I first said "I love you"
  4. 9. A toy I always associate you as
  5. 10. The word we use to describe our connection
  6. 12. The nickname I often call you
  7. 13. My favorite cartoon
  8. 14. Our anniversary month
  9. 15. You're my...
  10. 16. Your favorite genre of movies
  1. 1. Our future dream travel destination
  2. 2. My favorite feature of yours
  3. 3. What we can't wait to do together
  4. 4. The first gift you've ever given me
  5. 6. The nickname you often call me
  6. 8. My favorite artist
  7. 10. Our future first-date meal
  8. 11. Your favorite dog breed
  9. 12. Your favorite cartoon
  10. 16. Our favorite game series