- 2. My favorite type of drink
- 5. Pet we want to adopt someday together
- 7. The month I first said "I love you"
- 9. A toy I always associate you as
- 10. The word we use to describe our connection
- 12. The nickname I often call you
- 13. My favorite cartoon
- 14. Our anniversary month
- 15. You're my...
- 16. Your favorite genre of movies
- 1. Our future dream travel destination
- 2. My favorite feature of yours
- 3. What we can't wait to do together
- 4. The first gift you've ever given me
- 6. The nickname you often call me
- 8. My favorite artist
- 10. Our future first-date meal
- 11. Your favorite dog breed
- 12. Your favorite cartoon
- 16. Our favorite game series