Lancaster Wedding

  1. 2. Honeymoon activity
  2. 3. Month we got engaged
  3. 6. Alex's cat
  4. 8. Nicole's favorite flower
  5. 9. Favorite Friday night activity
  6. 12. The Best Man
  7. 13. Mother of the bride
  8. 14. Where Nicole was born
  9. 15. One of our favorite places to shop
  10. 16. # of siblings Alex has
  11. 17. Month we started dating
  12. 19. Alex's middle name
  13. 20. Mother of the groom
  14. 22. Nicole's Dog
  15. 23. Nicole's favorite football team
  1. 1. Nicole's middle name
  2. 2. Nicole's favorite food
  3. 4. The Man of Honor
  4. 5. Alex's favorite football team
  5. 7. Distillery where we got engaged
  6. 9. Street name where we live
  7. 10. Where Alex was born
  8. 11. One of Alex's hobbies
  9. 15. Something we love to do together
  10. 18. One of Nicole's hobbies
  11. 21. Where did we go on our first date