Landforms and Mountains

  1. 3. Ocean trenches are also called_______trenches.
  2. 4. A curved line of volcanoes that forms parallel to a plate boundary.
  3. 7. A collision between two continental plates can produce tall _______.
  4. 11. enormous splits in Earth's crust.
  5. 12. Deep underwater troughs created by an oceanic plate subducting under another plate at a convergent plate boundary.
  6. 14. when regions rise vertically with very little deformation this forms.
  7. 16. This process has rounded the peaks and lowered the elevations of the Appalachian Mountains.
  8. 17. Parallel ridges that form where blocks of crust move up or down along faults.
  1. 1. Being at right angels to a line or plane.
  2. 2. The largest landforms on Earth are produced by this.
  3. 5. These are made of layers of rock that are folded.
  4. 6. An area of many fractured pieces of crust along a large fault.
  5. 8. These are created from repeated eruptions.
  6. 9. When two plates collide, one can go under the other and be forced into the mantel in a process called _______.
  7. 10. Where blocks of crust slide horizontally past each other.
  8. 13. Distinct landforms are produced by this.
  9. 15. volcanic mountains can form in the ocean where oceanic plates converge and one plate subducts under another one. These volcanoes emerge as _________.