- 3. The plural for "tests" in Black English
- 8. "Can't nobody do that." - a syntactical characteristic of Black English
- 9. Since Black English has the same core rules as Standard English, it is a _______ of it
- 11. A variety of English which shows signs of African origin
- 12. Nonstandard varieties of language lack social ______
- 14. Frequent negative word in Black speech
- 15. Speakers of Black English feel this in regards to their language
- 1. "All language varieties are equal so we should tolerate and accept them"
- 2. Bereiter & Engelmann claim that black kids have no _______
- 4. Nonstandard ____ English (NNE)
- 5. Speakers of it are considered more competent and intelligent
- 6. A common misconception about the distinguishing characteristics of Black English
- 7. "Standard English should be taught without eradicating Black English"
- 10. The lack of "be" in Black English
- 13. One of the Northern American cities where Black English is spoken