Las condiciones del tiempo - Weather Conditions

  1. 2. It's sunny.
  2. 3. Thunder
  3. 4. The sun
  4. 8. The temperature
  5. 9. Fall
  6. 10. It's cool.
  7. 11. There's lightening.
  8. 12. Summer
  9. 13. fog
  10. 14. Winter
  11. 16. How's the weather?
  12. 20. It's snowing.
  13. 23. It's foggy.
  14. 25. The cloud
  1. 1. Spring
  2. 2. It's windy.
  3. 3. Lightening
  4. 5. Snow
  5. 6. The weather forecast
  6. 7. There's bad weather.
  7. 10. It's hot.
  8. 15. humidity
  9. 17. It's raining.
  10. 18. There's good weather.
  11. 19. It's cloudy.
  12. 21. hail
  13. 22. It's cold.
  14. 24. Rain