Las cuatro estaciones

  1. 4. This day is during November where everyone enjoys a big thankful feast
  2. 5. Going down a big hill, it's a winter activity
  3. 7. Which season is characterized by the longest nights and shortest days
  4. 9. You carve this out, it's a fall activity
  5. 10. This day is specific to you and celebrates you
  6. 12. A classic winter drink
  7. 13. This month has a special day that comes every 4 years
  1. 1. What season's showers bring May flowers
  2. 2. What fruit is available during September-November
  3. 3. What is the term for the transition period between winter and spring
  4. 6. What season follows summer
  5. 8. You wear this in the summer to protect you from the sun
  6. 9. You wear this when it is very cold outside
  7. 11. A classic summer dessert, comes in many flavors