Los verbos + the Two-Verb-Rule (2VR)

  1. 6. Juan's pencil
  2. 7. She has to work.
  3. 8. We open
  4. 9. Y'all (informal) Spain play (a sport/game)
  5. 10. She plays (a sport/game)
  6. 13. We have to go to school.
  7. 14. You (informal) eat
  8. 16. Luisa's cat
  9. 17. They drink
  1. 1. You (informal) need to do the homework
  2. 2. We sleep
  3. 3. You all (formal) put away
  4. 4. We need to take out (our vocabulary)
  5. 5. You all (formal) need to read
  6. 11. I sleep
  7. 12. I need to sleep
  8. 15. I have to learn.