Las Posadas

  1. 3. A Christmas flower
  2. 4. A decoration that shows Jesus, Mary, and Joseph at the birth of Jesus
  3. 7. A round pastry made for Dia de los Reyes
  4. 8. A Christmas decoration that is filled with candy or fruit
  5. 9. A holiday celebrating the Three Kings who brought Jesus gifts
  6. 11. Hot rice drink
  7. 12. A dough made from ground corn
  8. 13. Also known as La Virgen Morena; a darker version of the Virgin Mary
  9. 14. Christmas Eve
  10. 15. Punch
  1. 1. A holiday similar to April Fools Day
  2. 2. Spanish word for Christmas
  3. 5. Hot Corn drink
  4. 6. A series of 9 days of Christmas parties
  5. 10. A Latin American food made with masa