- 7. The name of your school mascot
- 9. The name of your high school
- 11. The first professional baseball team in Chicago
- 12. The ACTUAL name of "The Bean" sculpture
- 14. There are this many states in the United States
- 17. This Chicago neighborhood is home to Pritzker College Prep (it's also the Spanish word for "beautiful")
- 18. You should complete this every night (if you have it assigned)
- 20. This type of very tall building was first built in Chicago
- 22. This country is south of the United States
- 23. This country is north of the United States
- 1. This Great Lake borders Chicago
- 2. The largest state in the US
- 3. Michael Jordan won 6 NBA Championships with this team
- 4. This amusement park ride was invented in Chicago
- 5. In 1871, this destroyed one-third of Chicago
- 6. This Chicago nickname is also the name of a famous improv theater
- 8. The state capital of Illinois
- 10. This state borders Illinois to the North
- 13. Illinois is the largest producer of this orange squash plant (you see it a lot on Halloween!)
- 15. On St Patrick's Day, Chicagoans dye the river this color
- 16. The number of stars on the Flag of Chicago
- 19. Pritzker's school colors are Blue and ________
- 21. This city is the third largest city in the United States