Last Names in Politics

  1. 2. name calling and election denial seem to be his current campaign strategy
  2. 5. led the Republican party in 1860
  3. 8. economist who argued that government should spend during recession and tax during inflation
  4. 9. father of the Constitution
  5. 10. Signed into law the Civil Rights Act
  6. 12. Federalist Chief justice who wrote the opinion in Marbury v. Madison
  7. 15. former first lady, Senator of New York, and Democratic nominee in 2016, and pants suits
  8. 16. former chainsmoker known as the social media president
  9. 17. presidential candidate who has argued for a mental competency test for all presidential candidates
  10. 18. participated and won the first televised presidential debate
  11. 22. Congresswoman known for her inflammatory tweets
  12. 24. defeated in 1800 leading to the tradition of a "peaceful transfer of power"
  13. 25. will forever be associated with desegregation of public schools
  14. 26. wore a black armband to school to protest the Vietnam War
  15. 28. his election to his fourth term prompted the 22nd Amendment
  16. 29. reduced social welfare spending and increased defense spending during the Cold War
  1. 1. "Old Hickory" known for his "imperial presidency"
  2. 3. current Speaker of the House who struggled to get elected to the post
  3. 4. recently visited Ukraine, but not Ohio
  4. 6. first female Speaker of the House who was recently replaced
  5. 7. leader of the Federalist party. Shot by Aaron Burr
  6. 11. Bill Clinton's vice president who lost the election in 2000
  7. 13. pardoned Nixon
  8. 14. First Supreme Court chief justice and one of the authors of the Federalist papers
  9. 15. "outsider" from George who defeated Ford in 1976. Recently, put in hospice care
  10. 19. Green party candidate for the presidency in 2000
  11. 20. Current governor of Florida and potential presidential candidate
  12. 21. though never impeached, he certainly was going to be if he hadn't resigned
  13. 23. current chief justice of the Supreme Court
  14. 27. claims that his military is removing Nazis from Ukraine