Last week of September

  1. 2. a person that represents others
  2. 4. the purple vegetable
  3. 6. to move
  4. 8. impossible to take away or give up
  5. 9. member of the American Indian people
  6. 11. a state of being free
  7. 12. expressing motion
  8. 15. a strong wooden post
  9. 17. taking someones power or property by force
  10. 18. shows possession
  1. 1. lasting a short time
  2. 3. change or addition to text
  3. 5. strike repeatedly
  4. 7. contraction they are
  5. 10. number
  6. 13. a body of principles
  7. 14. location
  8. 15. a piece of meat from a cow-Ribeye
  9. 16. item or object or piece of writing
  10. 18. in addition-also