Late Adulthood & Death/Dying

  1. 2. a DNR order allows for this in a passive way, but not active
  2. 8. the rate of this is higher in late adulthood than any other group
  3. 10. study of the aged
  4. 11. extreme memory loss
  5. 14. state of feeling deprived of another human life due to their death
  6. 18. this theory suggests that a person withdraws from society as they age
  7. 19. prejudice against the elderly
  8. 20. arthritis and hypertension are examples of what kind of diseases?
  1. 1. syndrome which is caused by alcoholism
  2. 3. permanent, irreversible death
  3. 4. personal reactions to bereavement, influenced by one's culture
  4. 5. the study of death
  5. 6. disease with accelerated aging and patients dying young
  6. 7. another name for short-term memory
  7. 9. a diagnosis of this increases the risk of developing macular degeneration
  8. 12. The gradual deterioration of the immune system, brought on by natural age advancement
  9. 13. this type of care refers to hospice care focused on symptom management, not prolonging life
  10. 15. A genetic disease that shows signs of aging
  11. 16. the number or limit put on cell multiplication
  12. 17. stage of grief where one refuses to accept death