Latin American Music Part 1 (Music Workshop)

  1. 4. One influence brought by enslaved Africans.
  2. 6. A highlighted musical genre from Trinidad & Tobago.
  3. 12. The unusual instrument that is played in Brukdown music. It is played by running a stick up and down the teeth.
  4. 15. A highlighted musical genre from Trinidad & Tobago.
  5. 17. Ranchera Instruments: violin, guitar, harp, trumpet, vihuela, guitarrón, saxophone, snare drum, harmonica, electric guitar and ______________.
  6. 19. The musical style from Belize
  7. 21. The Europeans had their string instruments like the _________ _________.
  8. 24. One influence brought by enslaved Africans.
  9. 25. El Día de los Muertos, is a Mexican holiday that celebrates the lives of loved ones who have passed away.
  10. 26. The faster highlighted musical genre from the Dominican Republic.
  11. 28. A feel-good musical genre from Jamaica
  12. 29. One instrument of Bomba and Plena.
  13. 30. One instrument of Bomba and Plena.
  14. 31. One instrument of Bomba and Plena.
  15. 32. The slower highlighted musical genre from the Dominican Republic.
  1. 1. Indigenous people, like the Maya and Incas, were using ___________ and wind instruments.
  2. 2. This artist’s music speaks of peace and social justice, and brought Reggae to the world
  3. 3. One instrument of Bomba and Plena.
  4. 5. A music genre highlighted from Cuba.
  5. 7. Music was a good way for these three very different musical cultures to try to ____________ each other. They shared different instruments, musical styles and dances to tell their stories.
  6. 8. Bomba, Plena and Reggaeton music come to us from this country.
  7. 9. Instruments of Mambo: trumpet, saxophone, double bass, maracas, cowbell, _________ and bongos
  8. 10. Latin American music is made for ______________ !
  9. 11. A music genre highlighted from Cuba.
  10. 13. One influence brought by enslaved Africans.
  11. 14. __________ ____________ music was born from a mix of three groups of people who came together in one place - Europeans, enslaved Africans and the Indigenous people.
  12. 16. A National Hero of Mexico, he is a Ranchera singer
  13. 18. This type of music comes from Mexico and celebrates the joys, struggles and achievements of the Mexican people
  14. 20. People that are the first people to live in a particular place.
  15. 22. The type of music from Mexico that celebrates the beauty of Mexico and a simple way of life
  16. 23. Instruments of Calypso and Soca: __________ drum, marimba, horns, shaker, guitar and vocals.
  17. 27. The musical genre highlighted from Panama