Latin Prep | Crossword

  1. 2. The school that a few students would move onto after the second stage.
  2. 6. Age when girls would usually get married.
  3. 9. Amount of hours that school lasted.
  4. 11. What the roman boys would write with.
  5. 12. age of first going to school.
  6. 13. Name of the slave that would escort the children back home from school
  1. 1. The more advanced school that children would move to after finishing the first stage.
  2. 3. What the roman boys would sometimes write on (grown on the banks of the river Nile in egypt.)
  3. 4. one of the things that girls would be taught.
  4. 5. One of the things that Quintus would learn at his school.
  5. 7. Name for the table that Quintus would usually write on.
  6. 8. What girls from more wealthy families would be taught to organise.
  7. 10. One of the first Roman writers that they studied