Latin Vocab Ch. 12 & 14

  1. 1. field
  2. 3. old
  3. 4. poet
  4. 6. farmer
  5. 9. the case of possessive nouns
  6. 12. the case of subject nouns
  7. 14. good
  8. 17. bad
  9. 19. the case of objects of the preposition
  10. 21. unknown
  11. 23. sailor
  1. 1. the case of direct objects
  2. 2. I see
  3. 5. happy
  4. 6. I increase
  5. 7. the case of indirect objects
  6. 8. calm, bright, clear
  7. 10. had
  8. 11. angry
  9. 13. settler
  10. 15. new
  11. 16. to order
  12. 18. miserable
  13. 20. I held
  14. 22. known