Laura & Shane SIP AND SOLVE

  1. 6. Where did the groom propose?
  2. 10. Brides eye colour
  3. 11. First name of the wedding photographer
  4. 12. Name the building in which the wedding ceremony took place
  5. 13. Age of Laura's daughter
  6. 15. The bride's sister's name
  7. 18. Town in which the couple met
  8. 19. Laura's favourite disney movie
  9. 23. The high school both the bride and groom went to - _______ College
  10. 24. Best man's first name
  11. 25. Month the couple got engaged
  12. 26. Where did Laura meet her chief bridesmaid?
  1. 1. Bride's middle name
  2. 2. How many attempts did Laura have to pass her driving test?
  3. 3. First country the couple travelled together to on a plane
  4. 4. First dance song
  5. 5. Shane's favourite movie franchise
  6. 6. Who does the cooking?
  7. 7. Groom's mothers middle name
  8. 8. Type of flowers in the bouquet
  9. 9. Laura's mothers maiden name
  10. 14. Bottom tier wedding cake flavour
  11. 16. Where did the groom meet his best man?
  12. 17. Their pets name
  13. 20. Father of the brides favourite alcoholic drink
  14. 21. How many siblings combined do the bride and groom have?
  15. 22. Father of the groom's trade
  16. 27. Number of years the couple have been together