- 5. The groom’s favorite type of cuisine
- 9. The first national park the couple visited together
- 10. The groom’s childhood nickname
- 11. The number of years the couple has been together
- 12. Where the groom went to college
- 13. The month the couple started dating
- 16. The couple’s first concert
- 18. The bride knows all the lines to this movie
- 20. The couple’s first job or how they met
- 21. An instrument the groom can play
- 23. The city the couple last vacationed in
- 24. The bride’s favorite holiday
- 1. The groom is in charge of making this Thanksgiving dish
- 2. The flavor of the wedding cake
- 3. The couple’s high school’s mascot
- 4. The bride’s college major
- 6. The bride’s favorite color
- 7. The bride’s favorite place to shop
- 8. Butter’s favorite treat
- 11. The number of nieces and nephews the couple has combined
- 13. Butter’s middle name
- 14. One of the couple’s favorite TV shows
- 15. The name of the street the couple lives on
- 16. The sport the couple played in high school
- 17. The month Butter was adopted
- 19. The bride’s childhood nickname
- 22. The groom knows all the words to this song