Lauren and Ryan's Baby Shower

  1. 1. The country where baby's two first cousins live (can't wait to visit!)
  2. 2. Baby's Chinese Zodiac sign
  3. 5. Technically baby's first concert, seen in their "utero era"
  4. 7. What this baby will call Nina and Erika
  5. 9. Future baby's furry older sister
  6. 10. The month baby is expected to be born- just in time to catch the Hogwarts Express
  7. 12. The name shared by our baby's uncle, first cousin, and grandpa
  1. 1. We've been keeping this a surprise- even for ourselves! We'll find out when baby is born.
  2. 3. The period of around 40 weeks that baby spends developing in mom's uterus
  3. 4. The nickname Lauren and Ryan have used for their little one throughout the pregnancy
  4. 6. Unless baby is really late or early, this will be their star sign
  5. 7. The city Lauren and Ryan were visiting when they first learned they were pregnant
  6. 8. Lauren's was 5.5 lbs at birth, and Ryan's was around 10 lbs. We hope baby takes after mom!
  7. 11. Yiddish / Hebrew for grandma. Will Kim and Tomoko use this nickname, or pick something else?