Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 4. Baby's due date (Month and day)
  2. 7. Mom's biggest pregnancy craving
  3. 8. City where Mom was born
  4. 10. Baby's youngest Uncle's name
  5. 12. Hospital where baby will be born
  6. 13. Who wanted a baby first (Mom or Dad)
  7. 14. Baby's future zodiac sign
  1. 1. Number of four legged siblings baby will have
  2. 2. Mom's first job
  3. 3. Dad's first job
  4. 5. Baby's four legged sibling with no tail
  5. 6. Mom's nickname when she was born
  6. 9. Baby's Grandmother's name on Dad's side
  7. 11. Baby's Grandmother's name on Mom's side