Lauren’s Bridal Shower

  1. 3. What month did they start dating, as well as get engaged?
  2. 7. What was the first concert they went to together?
  3. 8. What is her new surname?
  4. 11. Where did he propose?
  5. 14. What unique flower is in Lauren’s bouquet?
  6. 16. What sporting achievement do they both have?
  7. 17. How many bridesmaids are there?
  8. 18. The third ‘something’ in the infamous wedding poem
  9. 20. What is the name of the church?
  10. 21. Where is their honeymoon?
  1. 1. The bride’s middle name
  2. 2. What material is Luis’s ring made of?
  3. 4. What sibling similarity do they have?
  4. 5. What tree to they go visit on yearly hikes?
  5. 6. What animal does Luis enjoy engineering for?
  6. 9. What virtual date do they enjoy?
  7. 10. Where did Lauren and Luis Meet?
  8. 12. What is the color of the bridesmaid’s dresses?
  9. 13. How many years have they been together?
  10. 15. What city is Luis from?
  11. 19. Where did Lauren buy her wedding dress?