Law 12

  1. 3. First written code of law
  2. 6. criminal sentence focused on punishment
  3. 8. of enforceable rules to maintain order
  4. 9. Proposed law
  5. 10. Legal decisions based on similar cases that have been decided in the past
  6. 15. had 300 laws
  7. 16. given to Hebrew people
  8. 18. system of values hat outlines concepts of right and wrong
  9. 19. being introduced and receives a number
  10. 20. Debate and vote on the principle of bill
  11. 21. one of the first legal codes in Roman law
  1. 1. sets rules between individuals
  2. 2. Sets rules for the relationship between individuals and society
  3. 4. Third Major development in early legal history
  4. 5. 2 key principals
  5. 7. advantages quick,cheap
  6. 11. Debate and vote on amended version of bill
  7. 12. determine guilt or innocence by fighting
  8. 13. criminal sentence focused on restoring or paying back the victim
  9. 14. Read over bill and propose amendments
  10. 17. seeks to treat all people equally