
  1. 2. The formal reading of the criminal charges that are being presented.
  2. 4. The person who is receiving the accusation
  3. 8. Discharge Your records wont show a sentencing if you meet the condition the judge sets no permanent criminal record)
  4. 10. Forgiveness of a crime and canceling the punishment for said crime
  5. 11. A thing done, a deed (crime)
  6. 12. Measures Options for youth other then going through the court system
  7. 13. Objection to the truth about something
  8. 14. A judgment that the person is not guilty of the crime they were charged with
  1. 1. of court Someone who is forced to attend court proceedings by law being they will be used as evidence or are the one being sentenced.
  2. 3. Discharge The lowest possible sentence adult sentence an offender can get
  3. 5. Centre Prison
  4. 6. Sanctions something youth must do to make up for their crimes without going through traditional court proceedings.
  5. 7. Correctional Centre A federal prison(jail)
  6. 9. A formal charge of a serious crime
  7. 14. A charge or claim that someone has done something illegally wrong
  8. 15. to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of the lower court