Law and media

  1. 8. The time set by the editor or producer by which a reporter must submit a finished story.
  2. 10. Printed periodical publication that contains information about current events.
  3. 11. A type of press that publishes rumors, scandals and sometimes fake information.
  4. 13. Which lawyer tries to prove the suspect is guilty?
  5. 14. An untruthful accusation that lowers someone’s reputation.
  1. 1. The type of law that deals with criminal offenses and their punishments.
  2. 2. An explanatory title over a newspaper.
  3. 3. A person who decides what news will go in the paper, where it will appear and if it is worth publishing.
  4. 4. A person who presents news on TV.
  5. 5. A set of legal rules.
  6. 6. The supplier of information, such as a person, book, survey, etc.
  7. 7. Something that is against the law.
  8. 9. An author's exclusive right of property for his works.
  9. 12. A person who decides the verdict for a criminal.
  10. 13. Taking someone's work and trying to pass it for yours.