Law Puzzle #1

  1. 3. ther person against who a claim is made.
  2. 5. laws, regulate relations between individuals or groups of individuals.
  3. 7. of omission, failing to perform an act required by crminial law.
  4. 9. law, regulate public conduct and set out duties owed to society.
  5. 10. something one does or fails to do that is in violation of a law.
  6. 14. a serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence of more than one year.
  7. 15. to ask command urge or advise another to commit a crime.
  8. 16. the rules and regulations made and enforced by government that regulate the conduct of people within a society.
  9. 18. the state or federal government's attorney in a criminal care
  1. 1. the person who commits the crime.
  2. 2. the injured party who brings the legal action against the alleged wrongdoer.
  3. 4. a person who voluntarily helps another person commit a crime.
  4. 6. a person who helps the principal before or after a crime.
  5. 8. law, rules that apply to business situations and transactions.
  6. 11. written laws enacted by legislatures
  7. 12. a criminal offense, punishable by a prison sentence of one year or less.
  8. 13. agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime.
  9. 17. must have intended to commit a crime and taken some "substantial step" toward committing the crime.