Law Reform

  1. 3. Who set up the Criminal Revision Committee?
  2. 4. Bring together together all the topic of law under once source?
  3. 5. To simplify and modernise the law?
  4. 6. The pressure group that is only open to certain individuals?
  5. 9. The Royal commission are .... when finished?
  6. 10. The success the Law Reform committee had in 1967?
  7. 11. The ...... commission 1981 lead to the PACE 1984 (Royal commission)
  8. 13. The Criminal Revision Committee produce one report....?
  1. 1. How many commissioners in the Law commissions?
  2. 2. The reform made by the law commission on voluntary manslaughter?
  3. 5. What area of law does the Law Reform committee review?
  4. 7. The pressure group with close links to parliament?
  5. 8. The Royal commission investation into the...?
  6. 12. The procedure that speed up the introduction of new reforms?