- 5. Case about foreseeability of damages.
- 7. Case about strict liability in products.
- 9. of the University of California - Duty to warn in negligence.
- 12. Case about possession of a baseball.
- 16. Case about property rights in cohabitation.
- 18. Homes - Right to exclude others from private property.
- 19. Case defining intentional torts.
- 21. Case about automatism as a defense.
- 24. "Pregnant cow" case about mutual mistake.
- 27. York Case about economic liberties under substantive due process.
- 29. Finder's rights over property.
- 31. Case about harmful or offensive contact.
- 33. Case about ownership of wild animals.
- 34. Case about juvenile death penalty.
- 37. of New London - Case about eminent domain and public use.
- 39. Case about trespassing to aid another.
- 44. StatesvPark Case about corporate criminal liability.
- 45. Duty of care in negligence for product defects.
- 46. Smoke Ball Co. Case establishing unilateral contracts.
- 47. Case about privacy and abortion rights.
- 48. Case distinguishing gifts from enforceable promises.
- 49. Coal & Mining Co. Case about damages for performance.
- 1. Case about internment and strict scrutiny.
- 2. - Case about strict liability in statutory crimes.
- 3. "Peerless" ship case about mutual mistake.
- 4. Case involving spring guns and property defense.
- 6. Case about federal power and necessary and proper clause.
- 8. Case about privacy and contraceptive use.
- 10. Case establishing judicial review.
- 11. Island Railroad Co. - Case about proximate cause.
- 13. Case about commerce power.
- 14. Case defining the insanity defense.
- 15. Case about ownership of lost property.
- 17. Case about negligence in manslaughter.
- 20. Case about free speech and flag burning.
- 22. Case about self-defense and reasonable belief.
- 23. Case on omission and duty to act.
- 25. Case defining consideration in contract law.
- 26. Case about regulatory takings.
- 28. and Stephens Case about necessity as a defense to murder.
- 30. Case defining strict liability for dangerous activities.
- 32. Case about intentionality in a battery claim.
- 35. Case of contract formation over a "joke" offer.
- 36. Case about liability for spring-loaded traps.
- 38. Case striking down laws against interracial marriage.
- 40. Case about impossibility of performance.
- 41. of Education Landmark case about desegregation.
- 42. Case defining property rights under discovery doctrine.
- 43. Lady Duff Gordon Case about implied obligations in a contract.