Law, Society and Political Invilvement

  1. 3. a civil wrong
  2. 6. (now states) agreed to join together to form Australia
  3. 7. order in which voters list candidates at an election, after they have made their first choice
  4. 8. to release an accused person who is awaiting trial
  5. 9. law deals with disputes between private citizens
  6. 10. system of law based on the previous decisions of judges, or precedents
  7. 12. a group of people (either 12 or six) selected to hear the evidence in a court case
  8. 15. traditional indigenous rules that outline the correct way of living
  9. 17. a court official who has the power to make decisions on matters brought before a court of law
  10. 18. the House of Representatives and the Senate
  11. 19. the power an individual or party has by holding the casting vote
  12. 20. a process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act or caused another personadversarial system system in which two opposing parties present their arguments to a magistrate or judge
  1. 1. a situation where no political party has a majority of elected members in parliament
  2. 2. a document that outlines the powers of the parliament
  3. 4. a previous legal decision that serves as a rule or pattern in future cases
  4. 5. the party bringing a criminal action against the accused; usually the state
  5. 8. doubt the standard of proof required in a criminal trial
  6. 11. a candidate or member of parliament who is not a member of a political party
  7. 13. the lower house of Federal Parliament, sometimes called the people’s house
  8. 14. system a counting system that is designed to allow the majority of Australians to have their say in an election by stating the order in which they prefer candidates
  9. 16. disorder or confusion due to the absence of government or laws