Law, Society and Political Involvement

  1. 3. a proposed new law
  2. 5. this type of law is based on the previous decisions of judges
  3. 8. a vote where the entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal
  4. 12. to bring a civil action against another person for causing damage or injury
  5. 15. this level of government is responsible for education, health and public transport
  6. 18. where a person interferes with another person, or that person’s property rights
  7. 19. the lower house of Federal Parliament
  8. 20. the branch of law that creates and protects our individual rights
  9. 23. a process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act or caused another person
  10. 25. the location of the High Court of Australia
  11. 26. a form of government in which a non-elected monarch acts as the head of state
  12. 27. where a person injures another person’s reputation
  13. 28. the process which resulted in the colonies joining together to become one nation
  1. 1. a system in which two opposing parties present their arguments to a magistrate or judge
  2. 2. the person who hears cases in the Local Court
  3. 4. a serious criminal offence
  4. 6. a previous legal decision that serves as a rule or pattern in future cases
  5. 7. a court official who has the power to make decisions on matters brought before a court of law
  6. 9. where a person fails to take reasonable care and, as a result, injures another person
  7. 10. the highest court in NSW
  8. 11. law made by parliaments
  9. 13. where a person causes unreasonable interference with another person’s right to quiet enjoyment of their property
  10. 14. a document that outlines the powers of the parliament
  11. 15. LGA is an abbreviation for this
  12. 16. the party bringing a criminal action against the accused
  13. 17. the branch of law that protects individuals from others doing the wrong thing and makes the community feel safe from harm
  14. 21. the party in a criminal or civil trial against whom an action has been brought
  15. 22. the party that commences a civil action
  16. 24. a person who is on a jury