Law, Sociey, Political Involvement

  1. 3. Group of government ministors that decide issues of government
  2. 4. A system of government where political power stay with the people
  3. 10. The upper house of Federal Parliment
  4. 11. Absence of government laws
  5. 12. Number of votes needed to win
  6. 14. Court official who has the pwer to make decisions on matters
  7. 15. Where people resolve disputes that relate to law
  8. 16. Member of parliment who isnt a part of a political party
  9. 19. 12-6 people who to hear eveidence in a case
  10. 20. The process to decide if someone commited a criminal act
  11. 21. An attempt to enlist political support
  12. 23. Traditional indeginous rules
  13. 25. The colonies
  1. 1. A previous legal decision
  2. 2. Creamy cheesey pasta
  3. 5. A vote to change the constitution
  4. 6. The party in a criminal or civil trial who brought action
  5. 7. A mexican food with a hard shell
  6. 8. The party that starts the civil action
  7. 9. Area of government responsibility
  8. 13. For all people to use the legal system
  9. 17. Relese a prisinor for good behaviour
  10. 18. A civil wrong
  11. 22. To release a person who is awaiting trial
  12. 24. Civil action againt a person who caused harm