Law Studies

  1. 3. DOE is the Department of ____
  2. 6. The Judicial Branch has a Supreme one of these
  3. 7. This document is the highest form of law in the United States
  4. 8. A bill hopes to become this someday
  5. 12. Washington D.C. is the ________ of the United States
  6. 13. The country is divided into these
  7. 14. When the president won't sign in a law
  8. 15. Number of Supreme Court justices
  9. 16. President who is also called the Father of the Constitution
  10. 17. Leader of the executive branch
  11. 18. Number of amendments in the Bill of Rights
  12. 21. States are usually divided into these
  13. 22. This cabinet department runs the military
  14. 24. This pays for the government to run
  15. 25. Freedom of speech amendment
  16. 27. When people vote it is called an _____
  1. 1. United States of _____
  2. 2. If convicted of a crime, you are ____, not innocent
  3. 4. Person who presides over the court
  4. 5. The ____ of Representatives is part of the legislative branch of government.
  5. 9. Where the president lives
  6. 10. The thirteenth amendment outlawed this
  7. 11. The president's top 15 advisors
  8. 12. Another name for the legislative branch
  9. 19. What every citizen should do during elections
  10. 20. There are two of these congressional members from each state
  11. 23. Right not to testify against yourself amendment
  12. 26. How long you are elected for office