LAWKI Winter

  1. 3. Suffocating or oppressive.
  2. 5. Extremely angry or furious.
  3. 8. An imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice
  4. 10. A facial expression of pain, disgust, or disapproval.v
  5. 12. To appear as a threat or imminent danger.
  6. 14. Susceptible to harm or damage.
  7. 17. Searching widely for food or provisions
  8. 18. About to happen; imminent
  9. 19. A situation characterized by a lack of luxury or comfort
  10. 20. Searching for and collecting usable items or provisions from discarded materials.
  1. 1. The action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimal level.
  2. 2. Susceptible to harm or damage.
  3. 4. Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
  4. 6. Watchful and alert, especially to avoid danger.
  5. 7. Bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy.
  6. 9. Difficulties or hardships
  7. 11. Empty, lifeless, or infertile.
  8. 13. Lacking in quantity or quality; inadequate
  9. 15. The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
  10. 16. To express sorrow or regret.