Laws & Codes

  1. 4. body of laws which protects health, safety and welfare of the general public
  2. 5. serious crimes such as murder, kidnapping, robbery
  3. 7. conscious objective
  4. 9. less serious crimes such as shoplifting or DUI
  5. 10. Not guilty if forced to commit the crime because of the threat of death or serious bodily injury to himself or another
  6. 11. when a law does not apply to a person,the prosecutor must prove that the accused does not have a reason to do what they are doing
  7. 16. If the law enforcement officer induced the person to commit the crime
  8. 17. body of laws which govern traffic
  9. 20. are reasons the defendant gives for why a plaintiff should not win
  10. 21. When a person intentionally tries to commit a crime, an act beyond mere preparation, which tends to affect the commission of a crime
  11. 22. aware but conscious disregard of substantial and unjustifiable risk
  1. 1. places laws and restrictions on alcohol or any beverage containing more than one percent of alcohol by volume
  2. 2. aware with reasonable certainty
  3. 3. should have been aware of the risk but was not
  4. 5. body of laws which govern the legal responsibilities between individuals who share a domestic connection
  5. 6. is a defense that the criminal defendant misunderstood or was ignorant of the law as it existed at the time
  6. 8. The attitude someone has when committing a crime, their intentions
  7. 12. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a felony, and any member of the group commits an overt act
  8. 13. greatest possible punishment for the crime committed
  9. 14. type of defense that can be used in a criminal case to demonstrate that the defendant did not have the criminal intent to commit a crime
  10. 15. set of laws which are related to the punishment of crimes and offenses
  11. 18. the defendant admits the action but asserts a lack of culpability based on mental illness
  12. 19. the person has an excuse to commit the crime