LC Crossword

  1. 2. Normal-phase chromatography has this type of stationary phase
  2. 4. The smaller the packing particles, the __ pressure
  3. 5. Number of retained species in affinity chromatography
  4. 8. A mobile phase treatment that utilizes ultrasonic waves
  5. 11. For TLC, instead of time, this measure is used instead
  6. 12. The most sensitive LC detector
  7. 13. When K=1 for SEC, it implies that the molecules are completely __
  8. 15. This type of index is used for mobile phase mixtures
  9. 17. To choose the appropriate method, one can look at water vs. organic __
  10. 18. The backside of the injector has this many ports
  11. 20. GC is less __ than LC
  1. 1. The most important electrode in the electrochemical detector
  2. 3. Flouroscence detectors measure light at an angle __ to the incident light
  3. 6. Most common bonded stationary phase in partition chromatography
  4. 7. In reverse-phase chromatography, most polar components elute __
  5. 9. Type of column commonly used for LC
  6. 10. The column addition that removes impurities from the sample and mobile phase
  7. 14. For SEC, K=0 yields this type of limit
  8. 16. LC commonly uses this many reciprocating pumps
  9. 19. The smaller the packing particles, the __ the plate number
  10. 21. The size of particles that can enter pores in SEC