LCB Shower

  1. 4. wards off the evil eye, and stands for love, purity, and fidelity
  2. 5. Lauren's favorite color
  3. 7. where Lauren was born
  4. 9. marriage
  5. 10. wedding cake flavor
  6. 11. pathway to the altar
  7. 14. bride to be
  8. 18. feel deep affection for
  9. 19. wishes for the married couple
  10. 20. for how long?
  1. 1. dry run
  2. 2. flung to the friends
  3. 3. proposal pose
  4. 6. wedding day emotion
  5. 8. Mom and Dad's job at wedding
  6. 12. Which dress did Lauren buy?
  7. 13. favorite part of Lauren's job
  8. 15. marriage ceremony
  9. 16. Lauren's ugrad major
  10. 17. Lauren is afraid of these flying creatures