LD Vocabulary

  1. 4. reasoning behind a claim
  2. 5. a social principal so highly prized by an individual, group, or society that it becomes a goal to be pursued
  3. 7. facie set of arguments sufficient to lead a reasonable person to believe that the resolution is valid; involves meeting the stock issues for the type of resolution being debated
  4. 8. the plural of “criterion” indicating more than one standard
  5. 10. speeches in which debaters establish their reasons for accepting or rejecting the resolution; the first two speeches in the debate
  6. 12. letting judge know where you are headed (preview)
  7. 13. a method for taking notes in debate; uses parallel columns to diagram arguments
  8. 14. of value statement that says something is good or bad, right or wrong, useful or useless; statement simple, declarative statement which passes judgment on some concept, idea or practice, or which compares the worth of two or more concepts, ideas, or practices (used in LD)
  9. 15. of proof a rule indicating that the affirmative has the responsibility to establish the validity of the claim made by the resolution; the resolution is presumed invalid until the affirmative establishes otherwise
  10. 16. has evidence, source citation & explanation
  11. 19. the side that argues in favor of the resolution
  12. 22. a statement made at the beginning of any speech which takes a position with regard to the totality of one’s own or one’s opponent’s analysis
  13. 26. priori some truth arrived at by reasoning from self-evident propositions; something which is presumed to be true or valid on its face
  14. 28. simple, declarative statement which states the proposition to be decided in the debate
  15. 30. outline of a debate case containing arguments & evidence
  16. 31. judge judge not familiar with debate; could be community member, parent, etc.
  1. 1. arguments made to support position
  2. 2. a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, etc.
  3. 3. speaks to the property of being an essential ingredient of a concept or object; that characteristic which is an inseparable part
  4. 5. issues arguments isolated by debaters in the rebuttal speeches as the reasons why they should win the debate
  5. 6. a standard which determines whether the object of evaluation is consistent with or enhances the value used as a standard of judgment; a criterion is a “rule of the game” in situations in which the social goal is established by the value is met
  6. 9. quo existing state of things
  7. 10. the questioning of your opponent and the answering of questions put to you by your opponent
  8. 11. a fact or body of facts on which a belief or judgment is based; the means by which you establish credibility for your arguments
  9. 17. the conflict with a specific argument made by the opponent; direct confrontation of ideas
  10. 18. a rule which tells the judge what attitude to hold with regard to the resolution at the beginning of the debate; in LD says that judge should withhold any favorable judgment on the accuracy of the resolution until the affirmative has established a prima facie case
  11. 20. the power or force of an argument; “So what?” how to answer; should link to standard
  12. 21. the statements of main ideas in a speech; the major arguments advanced by both affirmative and negative debaters
  13. 23. attacking or overthrowing claims made by your opponent
  14. 24. rejects the resolution; arguments are adapted and applied to affirmative case
  15. 25. position a person takes
  16. 27. paradigm preferences of judge for debate round
  17. 28. speeches in which debaters rebuild their initial arguments established in the constructive speeches; last three speeches of the debate; rebuttal means to rebuild an initial claim by indicating how it continues to stand after consideration is given to your opponent’s attack
  18. 29. issues the critical elements inherent in the resolution which the affirmative must establish in order to prove the validity of the resolution