le epic portal quiz

  1. 4. something cringy i watch when i feel like taking drugs
  2. 8. favorite food
  3. 12. the accent i dont understand
  4. 14. the bane of female existence
  5. 15. total drama's hottest character
  6. 16. the desert that gives you second degree burns
  7. 17. the best mod on the wiki
  8. 18. forgotten meme
  9. 20. creepy dinosaur
  10. 21. she treats you like a dumbass
  11. 22. something i dont agree with
  12. 24. he teaches you to throw tantrums
  13. 25. no words to describe how much i love this character
  14. 26. am i taken
  15. 27. do my parents suck
  16. 28. do i want my discord account back
  1. 1. someting i am feeling
  2. 2. the bane of male existence
  3. 3. favorite animal
  4. 5. who is my best friend on the wiki
  5. 6. something i have all over my limbs right now
  6. 7. ____ and jerry
  7. 9. nationality of my girlfriend
  8. 10. sexuality
  9. 11. people who nearly made me quit the wiki
  10. 13. no words to describe how much i hate this character
  11. 17. you like eating _______
  12. 19. the answer is freebie
  13. 23. something that plagues the wiki