- 3. A sad poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- 7. writers ideas, examine and make judgements about their value
- 10. attitude toward his or her subject
- 13. in an unhurried and thoughtful manner
- 15. disturbance of the emotions; agitation; uneasiness
- 18. acting with sudden or rash energy; hasty
- 20. About transcending with nature
- 21. A poem by William Cullen Bryant
- 23. one of america's most popular poets
- 25. makes abstract ideas more appealing and easier to grasp.
- 28. a literary superstar,
- 29. low;wretched;contemptible
- 1. to restate what happened
- 2. a group of New England poets whose work was uplifting and romantically engaging.
- 4. to violate a command or law
- 5. A poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- 6. About stripping away everything unnecessary from life in order to find out what is most important.
- 8. a feeling of doubt, mistrust, or uncertainty
- 9. short accounts of personal incidents
- 10. literary movement that emphasized living a simple life and celebrating nature and truth
- 11. leader of the transcendentalist, a poet, essayist,and lecturer
- 12. Thoreau advocated simple, mindful living and rejected a lifestyle dedicated to the pursuit of wealth.
- 14. the underlying message or the central idea of a work
- 16. to spread through every part of
- 17. vivid impressions for the reader
- 19. It criticizes American social institutions and policies
- 22. one who does not follow generally accepted beliefs, customs, or practices
- 24. an intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and a mindful life.
- 26. suited to one's needs or nature
- 27. About the transcendent experience,about those who follow their own beliefs