Learning Activity 2.1-3

  1. 2. the innovation system has been increasingly used to understand the process of knowledge generation and use in agriculture but was originally developed for this type of innovation
  2. 4. helps bridge knowledge–practice–policy gaps through a shared understanding of the role of different actors
  3. 6. factor referring to differences in the diversity of farming conditions and production systems
  4. 8. factor that discusses to the condition of transport, communication, and market facilities
  5. 9. a system made of individuals and organizations that demand and supply knowledge, as well as the policies and mechanisms that affect the way different agents interact
  6. 12. technology that produces new plant and animal varieties with higher yields or resistance to pests or diseases
  7. 13. concerned with process, particularly that of communication and knowledge delivery services to people in the rural sector
  8. 14. this percentage of smallholder farmers influences the type of technology to be transferred, particularly if the government is concerned with equitable coverage of all farmers
  9. 16. organizations that offer an effective channel for extension contact with large numbers of farmers and opportunities for participatory interaction
  10. 18. the dominant characteristic of the context of agricultural extension operating in an environment that influence the organization, form, and content of transfer activities
  11. 19. extension as part of a wider canvas of actors, processes, institutions, and policies that are critical for innovation
  12. 20. its principal areas of influence are price signals to farmers and decisions by government that affect public agricultural development organizations
  1. 1. factor that encompasses illiteracy, language differences, and division of labor between the sexes
  2. 3. number of elements required for diagnosing innovation capacity
  3. 5. organizations wherein farmer coverage is more limited and input transfer may play a bigger role
  4. 7. extension and advisory services could better contribute to the process of innovation if they would expand this kind of technology transfer role by including more functions
  5. 8. requires enabling a combination of technological, organizational, institutional, and policy change
  6. 10. context that includes technology generation and technology transfer
  7. 11. innovation which involves connecting farmers to service providers and other actors in the agricultural food chain
  8. 15. if appropriate technology is available but is not used by farmers, then the way this is handled by government may be part of the problem
  9. 17. extension's closest institutional partners in technology generation and transfer