Learning Process

  1. 2. Exposed to a range of ‘learning processes’ will allow you to achieve the ................ of the movement vocabulary
  2. 5. Excellent way to self-correct
  3. 6. Can assist with understanding the choreographers interpretation of the intention
  4. 10. This skill will allow dancers to maintain spacing and orientation in group formations
  5. 12. When partners can ensure safe contact
  6. 14. Writing down all the movements/phrases
  1. 1. Transferring movement from short to long term ..............
  2. 3. Breaking down of phrases to develop technical accuracy
  3. 4. A skill teachers use to assist students to remember the choreography
  4. 7. The choreographer execute the choreography a number of times
  5. 8. How you can develop movement/muscle memory
  6. 9. .............. to music to develop familiarity
  7. 11. Copying the choreography
  8. 13. Should be completed before starting to learn the dance