Lea's Crossword

  1. 2. What we made
  2. 4. Our April promised land?
  3. 6. Your first love
  4. 11. Charlotte's disaster
  5. 16. Should be your mantra?
  6. 17. It sucks
  7. 19. Don't talk to her before this
  8. 20. It's home
  9. 21. Not anytime soon?
  1. 1. Your second love
  2. 3. Your sanity
  3. 5. I'll never arrange them right
  4. 7. Husband's first love
  5. 8. No time for them
  6. 9. Daughter's first love
  7. 10. Embrace it. It's not going away
  8. 12. Your lost love
  9. 13. Your last love
  10. 14. Our savior?
  11. 15. They blow
  12. 18. Son's first love
  13. 19. Breakfast (lunch and dinner?)