- 5. What sort of animal is Freida?
- 9. What does LOTR stand for (for us!)
- 10. What is the name of out campsite?
- 11. What is the name of the famous pub crawl in Leeds?
- 12. Who is the chair of the rally?
- 14. Who forged the rings?
- 15. What is the name of the tree creatures?
- 1. What vegetable are our mascots?
- 2. What is Mithrandir also known by?
- 3. What is the name for our committee? (also the name for the group who went to destroy the ring)
- 4. What is the name of Frodo's sword?
- 6. What is Lizzie's role on our committee?
- 7. What is the surname of the author of the Lord of the Rings trilogy
- 8. Complete the title - ____ of the King
- 10. What is the name of Frodo's uncle?
- 13. What creature is Gollum?