Legal Foundations

  1. 2. What an accused is presumed to be before a trial.
  2. 3. An offence which is not of a serious nature.
  3. 6. A group of 12 people who decide on whether an accused is guilty or not guilty.
  4. 11. The standard of proof in a criminal trial.
  5. 14. The type of law that is between two individuals, for example family law.
  6. 15. The punishment of an Accused person (Example: Imprisonment).
  7. 16. The Upper House of the Commonwealth Parliament.
  8. 17. A proposed piece of legislation that has not passed through Parliament.
  1. 1. What is sought by an individual who has been harmed in a civil matter. (Example: damages or injunctions)
  2. 4. The last stage in the lawmaking process when a Bill is approved.
  3. 5. A statement of law.
  4. 7. The party that pursues a criminal case in Court.
  5. 8. A serious criminal offence.
  6. 9. When an offender is released after serving part of a term of imprisonment.
  7. 10. The political party that has the majority of seats in the lower house.
  8. 12. The type of law which involves the police charging an accused.
  9. 13. Law that is made by the Courts.