Legal Proceedings Review

  1. 4. Type of law that regulates the behavior of citizens and government
  2. 5. Requires due process of law and prevents double jeopardy and self-incrimination
  3. 6. Type of law that makes it illegal to hurt people or their property
  4. 8. Payment an accused person makes to guarantee he/she will appear in court
  5. 10. Who reviews evidence to indict people in serious criminal cases
  6. 13. Police can get a ______ with probable cause
  7. 14. A minor crime with less harsh penalties
  8. 15. Type of law that regulates nations
  9. 17. A jury that cannot reach a verdict in a case
  10. 20. A serious crime with harsher penalties
  11. 21. In a civil case, an agreement between both parties to end their dispute out of court
  1. 1. a person is brought to court to have a judge read the charges against him/her and to have bail set
  2. 2. Gives you a speedy trial by jury with an attorney
  3. 3. A person is brought to court to enter a plea for the charges against him/her
  4. 4. When the defendant wins a civil case, who has to pay court costs?
  5. 7. To find not guilty
  6. 9. A formal statement by a defendant regarding guilt in a criminal case
  7. 11. Laws must be fair and should be fairly enforced through procedures
  8. 12. Pleading guilty in exchange for a lesser penalty
  9. 16. To find guilty
  10. 18. No unreasonable search and seizure
  11. 19. Type of law related to contract disputes, both written and unwritten