Legal Systems Crossword

  1. 2. sitting on capitol hill
  2. 6. a law passed by a legislature
  3. 8. a violation of criminal laws
  4. 10. say no to laws
  5. 12. a tribunal presided over by a judge, judges, or a magistrate in civil and criminal cases
  6. 14. someone who attacks people with law rhymes with hanif
  7. 15. one whom arraigns
  8. 17. a lower violation of criminal laws
  9. 19. not constitutional
  10. 22. before your thing,this thing happened
  11. 23. _____ of rights
  12. 24. making really strict rules
  13. 26. really important rules
  14. 27. ______ intent
  15. 28. legal word fights
  1. 1. apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.
  2. 3. _______ government
  3. 4. defends
  4. 5. _______ hearing
  5. 7. beyond this
  6. 9. _______ of powers
  7. 11. _______ review
  8. 13. study of laws
  9. 16. _____ of the evidence
  10. 18. laws not civil laws
  11. 20. laws not criminal laws
  12. 21. _______ and balances
  13. 25. a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.