
  1. 2. House of Representivities and senate meet at this... building.
  2. 4. represents us in the House of Representatives our towns. (last name)
  3. 7. all the three branches are created for this reason.
  4. 8. Chris Murphy is this.
  5. 10. there are how many senators from 50 states?(number)
  6. 11. Length of citizenship needed to be a representative (years).
  7. 14. Length of citizenship needed to be a senator (years).
  8. 15. is a senator from Kentucky(last name)
  9. 17. age to be a representative (years).
  10. 18. Length of a term for senators (years).
  1. 1. 2/3 majority is needed from the senate.
  2. 3. Composed of the House of Representatives and senate.
  3. 5. There are 435.
  4. 6. age to be a senator (years).
  5. 9. Length of a term for representatives (years).
  6. 11. This group shares the Capitol Building with the House of Representatives.
  7. 12. This happens every 6 years for senators.
  8. 13. A body of people elected to manage the affairs of a city, county, or other municipal districts.
  9. 16. power for the president to do this to a bill.