Legislative Process

  1. 1. a motion or process in parliamentary procedure aimed at bringing debate to a quick end
  2. 4. laws limiting how long a person may remain in office
  3. 5. an additional provision added to a bill or other measure under the consideration by a legislature, having little connection with the subject matter of the bill.
  4. 8. legislative process of the United States Senate intended to allow consideration of a budget bill with debate limited to twenty hours under Senate rules
  5. 10. permanent legislative panels established by the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate rules
  6. 13. a term in politics that is used to refer to a committee made up of members of both chambers of a bicameral legislature
  7. 16. the address presented by the President of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress, typically delivered annually
  8. 18. 10 days before end of session-effect a veto
  1. 1. people who vote for you or in your district
  2. 2. a practice that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries to create partisan advantaged districts
  3. 3. prejudice in favor of a particular cause
  4. 6. John Boehner
  5. 7. term of congress
  6. 9. the power to unilaterally stop an official action, especially the enactment of legislation
  7. 10. responsible to their parent committees
  8. 11. dividing up votes on proportions
  9. 12. the floor leader of the second largest caucus in a legislative body
  10. 14. the place where members sit and make speeches
  11. 15. a parliamentary procedure where debate is extended, allowing one or more members to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a given proposal
  12. 17. leaders of their political parties in each of the houses of the legislature.