Legislative Process

  1. 3. the number of members that the rules require to be present to conduct official business in the Texas Senate and House, 2/3 of the total membership is necessary to take most floor actions.
  2. 6. A process in which committee members offer changes to a bill before it goes to the floor in either house for a vote
  3. 7. Rules Committee Determines the rules for debate of each bill, including whether the bill may be amended. This is the most powerful committee in the House
  4. 9. a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches
  5. 10. committee a temporary joint committee set up when the House and the Senate have passed different versions of the same bill
  6. 12. a motion to force a bill to the house floor that has been bottled up in committee
  7. 15. a formal objection that rules of procedure are not being followed on the house floor. Successfully raising a point of order can result in the post-ponement or defeat of a bill
  8. 17. a proposed law
  9. 19. The legislators who are responsible for getting legislation passed or defeated. their job is to negotiate , bargain, and compromise because they are in the center of political communication
  1. 1. to kill a bill in standing committee usually by setting it aside without taking any action at all
  2. 2. A group within a standing committee that specializes in a subcategory of its standing committee's responsibility
  3. 4. oversight The legislative function of monitoring administration to make sure they are administering the laws according to legislative intent
  4. 5. A senate rule that allows a senator to demand a 48 hour advance notification before a standing committee holds hearings on a particular bill
  5. 8. the entire senate or house acting as a whole to debate, amend, vote on, enact, pass, or defeat proposed legislation
  6. 11. an oral vote cast by lawmakers that is not recorded in the official record
  7. 13. votes in which the names of those who cast the vote are recorded in the house journal
  8. 14. The constitutional power of the president to send a bill back to Congress with reasons for rejecting it. A two-thirds vote in each house can override a veto.
  9. 16. list of bills reported out of a committee and ready for consideration by the house or senate
  10. 18. a rule for limiting or ending debate in the Senate